Page 30 - 40thAnniversaryNJPSA
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          Two of the most important services NJPSA members have      The legal services that are provided to members serve as a
          been able to count on since the organization’s founding    form of legal “insurance.” Being an NJPSA member allows
          are the legal representation from a full staff of attorneys   the member to receive legal advice to assist the member in
          who specialize in education law and field services         keeping out of trouble, or, if there already is a problem, how
          that provide members with support, guidance, and           to proceed going forward. NJPSA membership entitles the
          representation in contract negotiations, grievances, and,   member to assistance on contract issues and representation
          when needed, representation before boards of education.    on civil and/or administrative employment related matters.
                                                                     NJPSA Chief Counsel Robert Schwartz estimates that
          Affiliated bargaining units with 100% of its members belonging   approximately 10 percent of the membership requires the
          to NJPSA are eligible for NJPSA legal services in labor    assistance of the legal team each year.
          management disputes such as grievances, arbitrations,
          contract disputes, unfair practice complaints,             Some of the more recent cases that were successfully
          and representation petitions.                              handled by the NJPSA Legal team involved preserving the
                                                                     employment of a number of administrators against whom
          NJPSA’s legal team advises members on a variety of         tenure charges of inefficiency were filed; successfully litigating
          issues including but not limited to negotiations, contract   tenure and seniority claims resulting in the reinstatement of
          interpretation and/or review, contract violations, contractual   five individuals in their former positions; defeating  an Order
          grievances, changes in terms and conditions of employment,   to Show Cause that had sought the revocation of the teaching
          evaluations, rebuttals to evaluations, affirmative action, hostile   and administrative certifications of two members after 12 years
          or unhealthy workplace claims, claims of discrimination, claims   of litigation; reinstating one of our members who claimed
          of harassment, tenure acquisition, seniority, tenure charges,   that his dismissal violated the “just cause” provision of the
          transfers, workplace retaliation, and, more generally, advising   contract; obtaining the dismissal of tenure charges that had
          members on how to address and/or respond to every day      been brought against a number of our members resulting in
          controversies or issues that are presented. More recently, we   their reinstatement with all back-pay; and arbitrating a mid-year
          have dealt with a whole host of pandemic-related issues such   termination resulting in an award requiring the district to pay
          as the vaccine requirements, testing, and mask mandates.   our member the balance of his annual salary.
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