Page 27 - 40thAnniversaryNJPSA
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for this year’s juniors. NJPSA members have been engaged in its impact on our state. With the closing of schools on March
every step of this controversy and continue to be today. 20, 2020, Murphy had to lead the state, its schools, institutions,
businesses, and economy through uncharted waters. NJPSA’s
As Governor Christie’s term came to its close, his popularity GR Team worked directly with the Administration through
had been dimmed by several controversies, including both the NJDOE and NJ Department of Health, sharing our
Bridgegate, his constant battering of public education, and his members’ questions, concerns and input as rules, regulations,
frequent absences as he pursued his presidential ambitions. priorities, and Education Plans (The Road Back) were
The once popular hero of Hurricane Sandy (80% approval developed. The GR Team organized committees of members
rating), left office on January 16, 2018 as the least popular to sit on Commissioner of Education work groups to organize
governor in New Jersey history (14% approval rating). the emergency work that needed to be done. We worked as
a coalition with other statewide education associations, LEE
Phil Murphy and the Pandemic (Leadership for Educational Excellence), to share the voice of
the field with key decision makers throughout the pandemic.
January 2018 began when a new sheriff came to Trenton, The GR Team also served as the bridge between the field and
as another former Goldman Sachs executive, Phil Murphy, legislators seeking to help, sponsoring member discussions on
took office as New Jersey’s 56th Governor. With a broad grin key issues throughout the pandemic to hear their issues and
and inclusive approach to all, particularly teachers, Murphy concerns. We served on Senator Teresa Ruiz’s work group
literally leapt across the stage to take office. His term can be during the pandemic to then share this input on such key
characterized by enthusiastic partnerships with NJPSA and issues as school operations, student learning gaps, summer
other education groups. His transition team was made up of school, graduation, assessment data, student mental health
over 500 people (!) including NJPSA Executive Director Pat needs, staff health and welfare and so much more. When
legislation was ultimately introduced, the GR Team provided
important input and amendments.
Surprisingly, Murphy had issues within his own political party
in the Legislature. Disputes with Senate President Steve As NJPSA leaders struggle to perform their roles in a
Sweeney and Speaker Craig Coughlin marked the early days pandemic and endemic world, the environments of our schools
when issues of fully funding the School Funding Reform have changed dramatically. Staffing shortages have led the GR
Act resulted in S-3, compromise legislation that actually Team to seek legislation expanding the staff candidate pools
redistributed funds under the SFRA according to Sweeney’s for hiring through certification flexibility, bills allowing retired
priorities. NJPSA supported many of Governor Murphy’s early teachers and nurses to return to work without threatening their
priorities to invest in early childhood education and ramp up pensions, and a waiver of the residency requirement for school
state payments of the unfunded pension liabilities.
hires for the next three years. Additionally, we successfully
campaigned for flexibilities in federal testing requirements in
Yet Governor Murphy’s first term has been largely defined by the spring of 2021 when these rules simply made no sense for
his response to the public health emergency of COVID-19 and
Active Members and Active Communication Make the
Government Relations Advocacy Program Succeed
As this review of NJPSA’s advocacy shows, school leaders live in a world that is greatly influenced by our government in its
many forms. Whether walking the halls of Capitol Hill or the State House, Zooming in on a State Board of Education meeting, or
participating in the multitude of venues NJPSA provides for members to participate, NJPSA members must participate for us
to succeed in our advocacy goals!
The Government Relations Team of Debra Bradley and Jennie Lamon represent your interests and do it
well on so many fronts, but they need your voice, your ideas, and your active engagement in the process!
Be part of the conversation and part of the solutions for your students, schools, and
profession - engage in Government Relations advocacy today!
You will be glad you did.