Page 39 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
P. 39


        Staff Rights & Responsibilities

            Human Resources: New                             New Rules, New Protections, and a                NJ’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights V2
        Requirements, Best Practices and the             New Day for Non-Certificated Staff
        Law                                              Jun. 10, 2021; 9 am - Noon                           Employment Discrimination Law
        Apr. 13, 2021; 3:30 pm - 4:40 pm
                                                                                                              Progressive Supervision & Correction
                                                             Collective Bargaining in the Age of
            School Law for Administrative                COVID-19                                         Action Plans
        Assistants                                       Jul. 29, 2021; 9 am - Noon
        Apr. 21, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm                                                                            School Law Essentials for Every
                                                                                                          Teacher & School Employee
                                                             Hot Issues in School Law
            What’s New in School Law? Spring             Aug. 4, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm
        2021                                                                                                  Getting to the Truth: A Toolkit
        Apr. 15, 2021; Noon - 1:10 pm                                                                     for Conducting Effective Student
                                                             An Overview of Discrimination Law            Investigations
            Hot Issues in Human Resources Law            and the Role of the AAO
        Apr. 28, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm                       Aug. 24, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm                           Addressing HIB Claims and
                                                                                                          Discipline for Students With Disabilities
            Conduct Unbecoming &                             Conducting AAO Investigations and                Establishing HIB Systems, Protocols
        Inefficiency: Case Review                        Addressing Racial Justice and Other              and Capacity
        May 6, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm                         Current Events

                                                         Aug. 25, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm                           Child Abuse Prevention
            You Can’t Make This #$%^& Up! -
        School Law Horror Stories and Lessons
        to Be Learned                                        Addressing Implicit Bias and                     Module 1: Governance, Ethics &
        May 11, 2021: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm                  Establishing Comprehensive Systems,              Accountability V2
                                                         Protocols and Capacity
                                                         Aug. 26, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm                           Module 3: Staff Rights &
                                                                                                          Responsibilities V2
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