Page 44 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
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Virtual Workshops and Webinars

           From Pandemic to Opportunity:                                         talents, implement evidence-based interventions with fidelity and
                                                                                 build a culture of shared leadership. Tools for internal review of
        Reestablishing Well-Being and SEL for ALL                                implementation of your RTI/MTSS framework will be presented.
        Within an MTSS Framework
        Jun. 29, 2021; 9 am - 11:30 am                                               A Fresh Look at PLCs and Data’s Role in
        Presenters: Bobbie Felip, MAT, Educational Consultant; Jackie            Accelerating Learning Within a Multi-Tiered
        Frangis, MSE, Educational Consultant
        Fee: Free                                                                System of Supports (MTSS) framework
        Sponsored by the NJTSS Early Reading Grant, New Jersey                   Jun. 30, 2021; 9 am - 11:30 am
        Department of Education                                                  Presenters: Bobbie Felip, MAT, Educational Consultant; Jackie
        The pandemic has caused trauma and stress to all members of the          Frangis, MSE, Educational Consultant
        school community. Providing social and emotional supports for            Fee: Free
        every child is a tier 1 strategy and can positively impact behavior      Sponsored by the NJTSS Early Reading Grant, New Jersey
        and improve the learning environment. Use of the School Climate          Department of Education
        Survey and well-being practices will be shared that can benefit          With a primary focus on teaching and learning, PLCs offer a unique
        everyone. When student well-being improves, discipline incidents         and powerful pathway for implementing MTSS. Learn new strategies
        inherently decrease. Evidence-based tier 2 and 3 strategies will be      and tweaks to help fine tune focus and better align PLC intentions
        discussed as well.                                                       with results. Discover how a shift in perspective while working in
                                                                                 PLCs can increase learning for both teachers and students. Join us as

           Supporting School Leaders in Sustaining                               we explore the work of PLCs through an MTSS lens.
        Jun. 29, 2021, 12:30 pm - 3 pm                                              Culturally Responsive Strategies for Hiring
        Presenters: Bobbie Felip, MAT, Educational Consultant; Jackie            and Retaining Diversity Candidates
        Frangis, MSE, Educational Consultant                                     Jun. 29, 2021, 9 am - 11 am
        Fee: Free                                                                Presenter: Robin Harden Daniels, Ed.D. FEA Presenter, Lead
        Sponsored by the NJTSS Early Reading Grant, New Jersey                   Consultant, InFlight LLC: Advancing New Ideas in Equity and
        Department of Education                                                  STEM Education
        “Supporting principals and their well-being is essential to ensure       Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
        that they can provide their school staff members with the focused        Building a diverse pool of applicants has become increasingly
        work time, mentorship, and collaborative opportunities they need         difficult. Districts engaged in equity initiatives struggle to
        to successfully meet students’ needs.” (Ed Covid-19 Handbook,            attract, hire, and retain candidates whose experiences broaden
        US DOE. 2021). Join us in identifying the components of an MTSS          the collective teaching capacities of the school community.
        framework that provide a roadmap to leverage time, energy and
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