Page 47 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
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Virtual Workshops and Webinars

              Assessing Student Risk and Identifying                                   Reentry Protocols and Mental Health
        Students in Crisis                                                       Considerations
        Jul. 14, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                               Jul. 15, 2021; 9 am - Noon
        Presenters: David Nash, Esq. LEGAL ONE Director; Geta Vogel,             Presenters: David Nash, Esq. LEGAL ONE Director; Maureen
        LEGAL ONE Consultant; Maureen Brogan, LPC, ACS, DRCC                     Brogan, LPC, ACS, DRCC Program Manager, Traumatic Loss
        Program Manager, Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth (TLC);              Coalitions for Youth (TLC)
        Kristina Donovan, Ph.D., Supervisor of School Counseling                 Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
        K-12, Princeton Public Schools                                           Description: Preparing students with underlying mental health
        Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                         issues to return to school after an extended absence has always
        Description: The mass return to in-person instruction of students        been challenging. Doing so as we come out of a year and a half of
        following a year of isolation is likely to lead to a significant         closure and hybrid instruction as a result of a pandemic makes the
        upsurge in students in crisis. This session will review the legal        challenge far greater. This session will review key reentry protocols
        obligation to identify such students, effective strategies for doing     that should be in place for all students, for those students with
        so, key protocols to have in place and provide the opportunity to        identified mental health needs and for those students returning
        respond to real-world scenarios.                                         from a hospital setting or other community-based care facilities.
                                                                                 Participants will have the opportunity to respond to real-world
                                                                                 scenarios that are likely to occur.
           All Aboard: Managing Emotional Wellness
        in Your School (PSEL Standards 3, 5, and 6)
        Jul. 14, 2021; Noon - 3 pm                                                  Intervention and Referral Services: The Next
        Presenter: Anna Mahler, LCSW, Student Assistance Counselor               Generation (PSEL Standards 3, 5, 6, and 10)
        & Anti-Bullying Specialist; Jessica Smedley, LPC, Director of            Jul. 22, 2021; 1 pm - 4 pm
        Counseling, Hillsborough Township Public Schools                         Presenter: Gary Vermeire, FEA Consultant
        Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                         Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
        It’s full steam ahead with school reopening in September! Are you        This session is designed to provide I&RS team members and
        ready to jump on the post-pandemic train towards a successful            school staff responsible for I&RS with concepts, perspectives,
        school opening? Hop on board as we unpack a suitcase full of             tools, and techniques for addressing requests for assistance with
        ideas to help you and all of your passengers plan for a successful       students’ learning, behavior and health difficulties, consistent
        start to the school year. We’ll explore several topics related to the    with the New Jersey Department of Education’s Tiered System of
        emotional wellness of students and staff, including anxiety, fears,      Supports. Emphasis will be placed on implementing each phase
        and building relationship-informed classrooms and schools.               of the I&RS process through the use of collaborative consultation
                                                                                 and strategies and techniques for organizing and using objective
                                                                                 information, coordinating school and community resources,
                                                                                 and being methodical and creative in the procedures used for

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