Page 52 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
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planning directly to the NJSLS and corresponding SLOs.
        Participants will also gain access to resources created to support             HIB Law Update
        the design process.                                                      Aug. 17, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm
                                                                                 Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LL.M., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal
                                                                                 Research and Content Development
           School Climate for Adults: It Matters More                            Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members

        Than Ever (PSEL Standards 3, 6, and 7)                                   Description: Recent events will have a major impact on how
        Aug. 12, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                               school districts implement NJ’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, and
        Presenter: Pat O’Keefe, FEA Consultant and Patricia Wright,              it is essential that you know the latest, including the most recent
        Executive Director, NJPSA                                                state & federal case law, and recent guidance on addressing issues
        Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                         related to COVID-19, racial injustice and other current events. How
        Problems with adult-to-adult relationships in school are often           should districts address issues that occurred during the statewide
                                                                                 closure? How do we conduct virtual investigations? What happens
        swept under the carpet. Yet, this set of relationships can make          when students make posts on social media that are potentially
        or break your school’s goals of creating a positive learning             hurtful to other students, but mirror comments from elected
        environment for students and a collegial environment for staff.          leaders? What new behaviors may emerge that constitute HIB as
        The current pandemic has placed additional pressure upon us all.         schools return to in-person instruction?
        Improved communication, collaboration and clear professional
        expectations can help to reduce stress and build resilience. Adult
        interactions greatly impact a school’s capacity to promote the
        highest levels of student academic success. In this workshop, you
        will reflect on the adult relationships within your school; explore
        the causes of toxic adult to adult relationships; learn tools to
        support the development of clear expectations for professional
        behavior; consider the relationship between SEL instruction for
        students and adult modeling of SEL skills, and consider ways to
        create a strong sense of professionalism through collaboration.
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