Page 57 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
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Professional Learning Series and Certificate Programs

        The Connected Action Roadmap: A Systematic  MTSS Series (NJTSS Grant)
        Approach to Strengthening Teaching, Learning  Free Virtual Series

        and Leading (3-Part Series)                                                           Presenters: Bobbie Felip, MAT, Educational

        Presenters: Emil Carafa, Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA; Vicki             Consultant; Jackie Frangis, MSE, Educational
        Duff, Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA; Donna McInerney, Ed.D.,              Consultant
        CEO of FEA                                                                            Sponsored by the NJTSS Early Reading Grant, New
        Addressing students’ unfinished learning while ensuring equitable access              Jersey Department of Education
        to high quality instruction for all students are two of the most profound
        instructional challenges facing educators today. In order to meet these               Maximizing Core Instruction to Accelerate Learning
        challenges and focus on acceleration of learning rather than remediation,             Using a Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework
        schools need a systems-based approach and concrete tools that can drive               Jun. 28, 2021; 9 am - 11:30 am
        the work of educators. The Connected Action Roadmap (CAR), supported by               Increasing Toolbox Strategies to Accelerate
        the NJ Department of Education and the leading educational organizations              Learning for Every Student
        across the state, provides a sustainable process for professional learning            Jun. 28, 2021; 12:30 pm - 3 pm
        communities (PLCs) to collaboratively and effectively implement standards-            From Pandemic to Opportunity: Reestablishing
        aligned assessments and high-quality instruction through an extensive toolkit         Well-Being and SEL for ALL Within an MTSS
        comprised of strategies, resources and protocols.                                     Framework
                                                                                              Jun. 29, 2021; 9 am - 11:30 am
        Day 1- Introduction to the Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) - May 26,                   Supporting School Leaders in Sustaining MTSS
        2021; 9 am - Noon                                                                     Jun. 29, 2021, 12:30 pm - 3 pm
        Day 2- The Connected Action Roadmap: Designing Equitable Instructional                A Fresh Look at PLCs and Data’s Role in
        Experiences & High-Quality Assessments -                                              Accelerating Learning Within a Multi-Tiered System
        Sep. 28, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                                            of Supports (MTSS) framework
        Day 3- The Connected Action Roadmap: Analyzing Assessment Data to                     Jun. 30, 2021; 9 am - 11:30 am
        Drive Instructional Decision-making -
        Jun. 30, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                                            Fee: Free

        Fee: $60 Members/ $75 Non-Members
        Registration required for each day of the 3-day series

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