Page 55 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
P. 55

HIB and the Return the School
          Sep. 1, 2021; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
          Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director
          Fee: $40
          With the vast majority of students returning to in-person
          instruction this Fall, school districts need to brace for a
          variety of new challenges we have never seen related to HIB.
          What happens when students confide about incidents that
          may have occurred months ago? What impact will the rise
          in hate crimes and bias related acts have on students being
          targeted? Will students be targeted for bullying because
          they or a family member contracted COVID during that time?
          How will students respond after a year of not interacting with
          their peers in-person, and will it lead to an uptick in HIB? This
          webinar will review these issues, and provide an overview of
          key legal obligations and protocols that should be in place
          to address the many foreseeable challenges that lie ahead
          related to HIB.
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