Page 51 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
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Virtual Workshops and Webinars

           Mentors and Novice Teachers: A Learning                                     Special Education in the Post-Covid Era
        Partnership (PSEL Standards 6 and 7)                                     Aug. 11, 2021: 9 am - 3 pm
        Aug. 10, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                               Presenter: John K. Worthington, Esq., LEGAL ONE Consultant
        Presenter: Emil Carafa, Coordinator of Professional Learning,            Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members
        FEA; Vicki Duff, Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA               As we near a return to 100% in-person instruction in the 2021-
        Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                         2022 school year, many new challenges and issues will have to
        Target Audience: Teacher Leaders, Administrators Leading                 be navigated in the area of special education. This workshop will
        Mentoring and Induction Programs                                         provide an overview of how to address the many foreseeable
        Mentors and school leaders are critical players in a new teacher’s       challenges for students with disabilities post-pandemic. Topics will
        first year journey. They have the ability to be catalysts for change     include an overview of laws addressing the provision of special
        in building a system that ensures ongoing professional learning          education and related services, as well as compensatory services;
        resulting in continuous improvement in practice. This introductory       laws enacted in the past year; issues with respect to litigation
        session will provide mentors and those that train mentors with a         of disputes; and key considerations related to equity, non-
        set of strategies and resources to strengthen their knowledge and        discrimination, technology access, and HIB issues as they pertain
        skills to build a successful learning partnership and answer the         to students with disabilities. The presentation will incorporate
        following questions:                                                     best practices for navigating these legal requirements, provide an
                                                                                 opportunity to review and discuss scenarios, and offer the chance
          • What are the knowledge and skills that mentors must develop          to present and discuss your questions and concerns.
            to be effective?
          • How is the learning partnership between the mentor and
            novice developed and nurtured?                                          Designing an Instructional Plan - Beginning
          • How is the mentoring team expanded and sustained in order            With an SLO (PSEL Standards 4, 6, and 10)
            to share expertise?                                                  Aug. 11, 2021: 9 am - Noon
          • What strategies will build the capacity of the novice to be          Presenters: Susan Gilbert, FEA, Coordinator of Grant Projects/
            successful in the first year?                                        Coach & Barbara Gibbons, FEA Coach/Consultant
          • How can the relationship be enhanced in a remote or hybrid           Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
                                                                                 Planning effective instruction has always been a challenge. This
                                                                                 Virtual Workshop focuses on this essential part of teachers’ work
                                                                                 by engaging participants in the collaborative process of using
                                                                                 a Student-friendly Learning Objective (SLO) to create a lesson
                                                                                 design. Participants will work in small teams to examine and
                                                                                 strengthen their understanding of the major categories that make
                                                                                 up a lesson design. By doing so, teachers, instructional coaches,
                                                                                 supervisors, and building administrators will grow in the awareness
                                                                                 of the value of horizontal alignment which links instructional
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