Page 50 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
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Virtual Workshops and Webinars

           Equity in Action Leadership Academy                                   The Path to an Equitable Curriculum:

        Dare to be BOLD: From Equity                                             Selecting & Implementing High Quality

        Aspirations to Equity in Operation                                       Instructional Materials

        Session 1: Journey into the Equity Imperative                            Aug. 5, 2021; Noon - 1 pm
                                                                                 Fee: Free
        Aug. 5, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                                Target Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Curriculum
        Session 2: Driving the Equity Imperative Through                         & Instruction leaders, Teachers, and other interested staff
        Dialogue and Data                                                        members.
        Aug. 23, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                               Did you know that less than 20 percent of the materials in use
                                                                                 in classrooms nationwide are aligned to standards?  Does your
        Session 3: Moving the Equity Imperative to Address                       selection process for instructional materials ensure alignment with
        Systemic Change Progress                                                 NJ Student Learning Standards?  Is your curriculum textbook-
        Sep. 13, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                               driven or standards-driven?

        Session 4: Equity in Operation: Now and in the                           Selecting and implementing high quality resources are essential
                                                                                 to strengthening student learning and equitable access.  Please
        Future                                                                   join NJPSA/FEA and for a free webinar to hear the
        Nov. 15, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                               latest research supporting the need for high-quality instructional
        Fee: $450                                                                materials and the impact they have on student achievement and
        Addressing Diversity and Equity issues is one of the most pressing       equity when implemented through a collaborative process. Revisit
        challenges facing schools today. What are your next steps?               the CAR framework and learn about free resources and supports
        Collaborative and sustained professional learning can provide            that are available to ensure districts are providing standards-
        leaders, equity councils, and leadership teams with the knowledge,       aligned instructional materials that match their local priorities.
        skills, and resources needed to systemically respond to issues of        Through a grant from the Overdeck Foundation, opportunities for
        equity through the exploration of a problem of practice unique to        additional FREE, customized supports will be presented during
        their site.                                                              the webinar for districts that are planning upcoming materials
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