Page 49 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
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Virtual Workshops and Webinars

            Collective Bargaining in the Age of                                  August 2021

        Jul. 29, 2021; 9 am - Noon
        Presenters: NJPSA and LEGAL ONE Attorneys; NJPSA Field                      Developing Socially and Emotionally
        Fee: FREE - NJPSA Members Only                                           Healthy Students
        Now more than ever NJPSA members need to have the knowledge,             Aug. 2, 2021; 9 am - Noon (ONLINE)
        skills, and the necessary support to work through the collective         Presenter: Bob Price, FEA Consultant
        bargaining process in challenging and unprecedented times.               Schools, along with families and the community, are key to children
        COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the terms and conditions              successfully navigating healthy relationships in an ever-changing
        of employment for all school leaders. In addition, the enactment         society and the drastic shifts that have taken place in teaching
        of Chapter 44 will have a major impact on employee health                and learning. Social and Emotional Learning must be at the heart
        benefits. The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Janus also has major        of ensuring that each student feels safe in their environment and
        implications for collective bargaining moving forward. NJPSA’s           has the interpersonal skills to collaborate with peers and adults.
        team of expert attorneys and experienced field representatives are       In this session, participants will: (1) define the purpose of Social
        here to support you. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the      and Emotional Learning (SEL) and its connection to school climate,
        changing rules impacting collective bargaining, hear about the latest  student growth, and the success of all learners; (2) understand
        trends, and learn key strategies for bargaining effectively.             the research and competencies that are the foundation for
                                                                                 implementing effective SEL programs and practices; (3) identify
                                                                                 strengths and weaknesses of current practices and programs to
                                                                                 create next steps for strengthening SEL integration

                                                                                     Hot Issues in School Law
                                                                                 Aug. 4, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm
                                                                                 Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LL.M., LEGAL ONE
                                                                                 Supervisor of Legal Research and Content Development
                                                                                 Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members
                                                                                 Description: This workshop will address current developments in a
                                                                                 variety of legal issues, including HIB case law and legislative issues,
                                                                                 TEACHNJ regulations and Arbitration Decisions, student safety,
                                                                                 recent legislative enactments, social media, First Amendment rights
                                                                                 and responsibilities, and other current and ongoing school law
                                                                                 topics including COVID-19 and racial discrimination/disparity issues.

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