Page 48 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
P. 48

Virtual Workshops and Webinars

        scrutinizing, problem solving, and planning I&RS cases. A primary
        focus of the session is on applying structure and systematic                Confronting Implicit Bias in Schools
        procedures to the coordinated planning and delivery of effective         (PSEL Standards 3, 5, 6, and 10)
        programs of I&RS.                                                        Jul. 28, 2021: 9 am - Noon
                                                                                 Presenter: George E. Jackson, Ed.D., FEA Consultant
                                                                                 Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
              Understanding and Addressing                                       Audience: PreK-12 Teachers, Administrators, Leadership Teams
        the Mental Health and Substance Use                                      Advancing educational equity requires an introspective
        Connection                                                               commitment from educators to understand how implicit bias

        Jul. 27, 2021; 9 am - Noon                                               manifests in educational settings. A deeper understanding of bias
                                                                                 can lead to increased awareness of how our everyday actions
        Presenters: David Nash, Esq. LEGAL ONE Director; Geta Vogel,             impact the students we serve. This workshop begins with a deep
        LEGAL ONE Consultant; Diane Litterer, Executive Director, NJ             dive into implicit bias and its impact on the school community.
        Prevention Network                                                       Participants will learn how to identify their implicit biases and
        Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                         how implicit bias can hinder educational equity if left unchecked.
        Description: As levels of anxiety and depression and other               Participants will be given strategies and resources for redressing
        mental health needs have soared during the pandemic, many                implicit biases to promote racial awareness and educational equity.
        students have begun or increased their substance use as a
        coping mechanism. The recent legalization of marijuana will have
        a major impact in terms of student access and the dangerous
        public messaging that may lead students to have a false sense
        that marijuana use is a safe choice. This session will review the
        protocols that should be in place to address the overlapping
        needs of students struggling with mental health and substance
        use issues, and review the roles of all key players in that process.
        Participants will have the opportunity to respond to real-world
        scenarios that are likely to arise.
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