Page 46 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
P. 46

Virtual Workshops and Webinars

           Advancing Equity in Your School                                          Leadership Strategies to Address Learning
        Community (PSEL Standards 3, 7, and 10)                                  Gaps & Unfinished Learning (PSEL Standards

        Jul. 8, 2021: 9 am - Noon                                                6, 7, 9, and 10)
        Presenter: George E. Jackson, Ed.D., FEA Consultant                      Jul. 13, 2021; 9 am - Noon
        Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                         Presenter: Anthony Scotto, Director of Curriculum &
        Audience: PreK-12 Teachers, Administrators, Leadership                   Instruction, Hamilton Township School District
        Teams                                                                    Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
        This session will begin by examining NJDOE’s definition of equity        As we move in and out of virtual, blended, and in-person learning
        in our current social context. Through interactive activities and        environments, educators need to develop strategies to address both
        small group discussions, participants will explore a building equity     the learning gaps and the unfinished learning of students. How
        taxonomy, its application to various school settings (virtual, hybrid,   can leaders support teachers in accomplishing this? In this session,
        and in-person) and its support of New Jersey’s Comprehensive             participants will explore practical resources (e.g., Prerequisite Skills
        Equity Plan requirements (N.J. 6A:7-1.7). Identifying areas of           and Major Content Documents) as well as leadership roles and
        strength and growth for their schools, participants will uncover         strategies to strengthen teaching and learning.
        equity barriers, discover strategies to overcome obstacles, and plan
        for implementation of school-wide and classroom equity practices.
                                                                                    Research-based Tiered Literacy
        Beyond Compliance: Building Dyslexia-                                    Interventions (Grades K-8)
        Friendly Schools and Districts                                           (PSEL Standards 3, 4, and 6)
        (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5 and 6 )                                          Jul. 14, 2021; 9 am - Noon
        Jul. 12, 2021; 9 am - 10:30 am                                           Presenter: Maria Matlack, FEA Consultant
        Presenters: Jodi Mahoney                                                 Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
        Fee: FREE                                                                This session will equip school leaders to oversee implementation of
        In this session, central office administrators and K-12 school           research-based interventions at various tiers that have been proven
        building leaders can use a new tool to assess how ready their            to accelerate literacy growth. While a few commercial programs will
        school and district are to support students with dyslexia and            be mentioned, the primary focus will be on techniques that can be
        highlight next steps to become even more dyslexia friendly.              implemented with minimum expense and in a manner that takes
        The focus of this session is moving beyond the compliance of             into account the realities of New Jersey schools and classrooms. As
        the 2-hour annual mandated training for dyslexia and towards             an added bonus, most of these methods are adaptable to learning
        becoming a district that is committed to being responsive and            in school, remotely, or in a hybrid environment. Participants will
        knowledgeable about this learning difference.                            have the opportunity to assess their current MTSS model against
                                                                                 current research and explore possible enhancements. They will
                                                                                 return to their schools with a repertoire of strategies that are
                                                                                 appropriate to various tiers and student literacy needs.
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