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Research-Proven to Close the Gap
for New Jersey Students
Lexia Reading Core5® supports educators in providing blended
literacy instruction for students in grades pre-K–5.
• Addresses the development of oral language, reading, spelling and writing skills for
students of all abilities including struggling students and English Language Learners
• Saves teachers time with curriculum-embedded assessment
• Meets NJ standards for evidence under ESSA with 8 strong externally-reviewed
research studies
Core5® has been recognized by WIDA as
satisfying all criteria under the WIDA PRIME V2
Correlation for English Language Development
"What impresses us most are the
unprecedented literacy gains our students
are making as a result of using Lexia
Reading Core5."
Richard O'Malley
Edison Township Public School District
To learn how Lexia's literacy programs meet NJ ESSA
standards, visit
Educational Viewpoints -39- Spring 2018