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Hitting the PLC ‘Reset Button’

      By Samantha Rodriguez, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, North
      Arlington Public Schools

      “Boring” People                      the material we discussed. This mental-  the last decade or so, have the potential
      About 13 years ago, when I was study-  ity, one of being accountable for my own   to fall along the wayside when they are
                                           engagement in any task, has slowly but
                                                                                not nurtured. They become just another
      ing for my undergraduate degree at   surely rooted itself into my professional   item to check off the list. More often than
      Rowan University, I had a professor,   belief system. The ability to engage is   we would like to think, our trusted edu-
      who said, “There is no such thing as   not always natural, so to speak. It is a   cators find themselves reverting to the
      a boring topic; there are only boring   skill that needs to be acknowledged,   tasks they find comfortable or necessary
      people. If you choose to be interested,   cultivated and developed.       (i.e. answering emails, updating grades,
      you will be; you’ll learn something new.                                  checking text messages… gasp!), when
      If you choose not to be interested, you’ll   “To PLC, or Not to PLC?” That   they should be engaging in meaning-
      learning nothing. Then, you’ll be both   is the Question                  ful discussions that could benefit their
      bored and boring.” That was it; I was                                     students. Quite frankly, they engage in
      instantly hooked. Mind you, it was the    Just as administrators are barraged with   forced PLCs — a term cleverly coined
      first day of class. The syllabus was the   a surplus of mandates, emails, phone   by my current principal. A forced PLC is
      length of a short novella and this particu-  calls, testing schedules, and day-to-day   essentially a vortex of wasted time that
      lar class didn’t exactly correlate with my   stressors, our teachers feel the direct   can be avoided with the right attitude
      major. However, I distinctly recall hang-  effects of this certainty. Unfortunately,   and approach. With this in mind, I would
      ing on to every single word my professor  Professional Learning Communities   like to share some simple concepts I
      said. To this day, I am still fascinated by   (PLCs), having been quite the rage for   presented to my own staff this past fall.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -40-       Spring 2018
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