Page 26 - DJ Rashida Interactive Workbook Flip Book
P. 26
There is nothing like a good set of speakers – where you can hear every sound in the frequency that resonates with the feelings and emotions that the artist intended it to do.
Speakers for a DJ are pretty significant, it can be the defining factor of whether or not you played a great gig or not. At the end of the day, people only know what they hear and feel. If you choose to purchase a set of speakers, I suggest a pair of automatic powering speakers because they have built-in amplifiers that can be optimized and tuned.
The day will come when you decide to play out, make sure you check the venue’s sound system. If it is good, you only have to be concerned with your set-up, and plug-ins. If it’s not right, you need to be prepared to bring your own or have the venue or client rent a sound system. Make sure they include a monitor for yourself. The monitor is a speaker closest to you so you can hear what the rest of the room hears. As sound bounces, it will come back to you with a delay. A monitor speaker close to you will eliminate this problem.