Page 10 - MAGAZINE
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night-vision device (NVD),
also known as night
device (NOD) and night-vision
goggles (NVG), is an optoelectronic
device that allows images to be
produced in levels of light
approaching total darkness. The
image may be a conversion to
visible light of both visible light
and near-infrared, while by
convention detection of thermal
infrared is denoted thermal
imaging. The image produced is
typically monochrome, e.g. shades
of green.
ince 45 years
Sn was and
still is the
largest producer of
he courses in
q u a l i t y o p t i c a l
Alfa- Metal can
components and OEM
Tbe conducted
products on the Balkans.
during the day, as well
Opticoelectron Group JSCo
as the dark part of the
has 700 employees from VDs are most often used by
night The students are
which 150 highly qualified the military and law
able to use night
engineers and Ph.D`s Nenforcement agencies, but
vision techiques. The
specialized in designing are available to civilian users.
center has the newest
own products and working The term usually refers to a
and the most effective
on customer request. complete unit, including an image
goggles, thermal scopes
Their production is intensifier tube, a protective and
and sights.The devices,
exported to all European generally water-resistant
that are offered in our
countries, Near East and housing, and some type of mounting
courses are submitted
USA. system. Many NVDs also include
by Opticoelectron.
optical components such as a
sacrificial lens,[1] or telescopic
This is the web-site, lenses or mirrors. An NVD may have
where you can read more an IR illuminator, making it an
about the company. active as opposed to passive night-vision device.