P. 9
they rank at the top one percent for
wealth. These guys are the pros that
provide continuity — many come and go
when their tour is done, but these folks
cultivate and maintain a professional
network with the host nation and know
how to make shit happen. They do every The One-And-Doner
job imaginable, and often you don’t
know what exactly they do at all. They
might work in a port, for the embassy,
or as a liaison for a foreign company
that does frequent business with the
S t a t s : B o t h Stats: 35–60 years old, often
m a l e a n d Southern, cranky.
female, 30–45.
Tattoos. Highly Salary: $55,000–75,000+
proficient at
s w e a r i n g . Attire: Jumpsuit, overalls, stained
Single/recently t-shirt, redneck ball cap.
At home, these guys were truck drivers
S a l a r y : making $42,000 a year, away from home
$55,000–110,000 for five weeks at a time. For some, this
is great; for others, there’s the ex-
Attire: Fond of wife, alimony, child support, that
polyester work pants and shirts, or sweet new Corvette Stingray —
white t-shirts. Eye pro. Caterpillar whatever. The point is that they need
boots. to make some more cash and they need it
now. Why not take one of those high-
This crew earned technical military paying overseas jobs Chuck at dispatch
occupational specialties while serving, was talking about? These guys are less
and now they’re putting their skills to numerous with our smaller footprint
work on the outside. They can be found overseas, but they are easy to spot
working in the hangars and back shops when you see one. They’ve driven
pretty much anywhere in the deployed through hell and back, clutching the
universe. They’re reps from the Diet-Dew-filled Bubba Keg with white
companies that make our expensive and knuckles. The pay is good, but: this…
maintenance-intensive hardware like is … bullshit! Weaving BMWs are
helicopters, tanks, communications nothing compared to IEDs and
platforms, drones, etc. They perform objectively homicidal local drivers.
maintenance and fix what we break on a They may or may not complete their
regular basis — the money is good enough contracts. The CB-radio siren song of
to get them back overseas again and at the truck stop and its accompanying
least they don’t have to abide by the lot lizards is looking really great
grooming standard or live in 50-person right about now.
tents this time. By Chief Reilly