P. 2
A new beginning
Dear Friends,
Alfa-Metal Training Center presents to your attention, our new field of
expression - themagazine that is in front of you. "AM tactical" is a magazine
that will periodically presents news and events related to the center as well
as articles related to protection and security. We would like to translate our
experience so far into the language of the present. We will choose interesting
facts and materials for you. We wish to present the world today as it is without the
"convenient illusion" We have the desire to create an open discussion forum and besides
what we choose to publish we will be glad if there are people willing to send us their
materials, to be published. So, together we can build a scene to present what is happening
around. Whether the desires will become reality, we will see in the future. We hope you find
something that will be interesting for you.
that meets the international our work with other
requirements, costs us a lot, centers, improve our base
but the final result, the permanently, buy new
satisfied students and the equipment, weapons.
achieved results can not be Our goal is to standardize
replaced with anything. the trainings . We use the
best of all training
systems and there is
Are there many centers always something to learn.
H begin? like yours? personal connection
ow did it all
ur center has a
Owith each student.
t first, centers with
Before starting the
similar activity
course, we have many
irst, my idea was to Awere quite few. Now conversations with the
make a facility where they seem to appear out of candidates for training,
Fto train my staff from nowhere. There are many, specifying all the details
the security company, that I indeed. Not all are at the of the training - from the
have. After a while came the required level, but there necessary skills to purely
idea to start training are ones, that are really personal preferences. So
security guards and people in good. It is good to have what we do is to meet
the military and security competition, so you set everyone individually.
industry. I traveled your clock, strive to be
everywhere, I watched what better and better.
people around the world are Can people, who are
doing and I was collecting the
best. Why Alfa- Metal is not professional to
o we gradually began to better? train in the center?
train people from all
Sover the world. At this
e have always tried Of course. The program for a
moment students from Europe,
the courses we offer, particular course is prepared
Korea, China, Russia,
Wto keep up with according to the level of
England, Oman are coming to
global trends. Times training and preparation of
the center . I feel happy with
change constantly, and the students. People with
the fact, that this is
what has been useful and many years of experience in
happening. Of course
interesting 5 years ago is the army or security, as well
maintaining a good level and a
no longer used. We compare as those who have not kept
high standard of training