P. 3
weapons until now, can We know you own an
participate. Of course, the
training will be different for airport, what is your
each of them, and we are trying vision for the future?
to make it as useful as Which is the most
possible. The center organizes fter a few years I see enjoyable part of
many events outside the Alfa- Metal's base as one your job?
training. We conduct shooting Aof the best training
competitions- AM shooter,IDPA. centers in Europe. We will be
hen, after completing
e also organize the able to conduct different
a course, people say
International Commando course- from shooting to
Wthey are happy and
WChallenge. Different parachute jumps, which is not
after a while they come back
obstacles have to be passed and available at any private
the program is divided into 2 structure, yet.
We have been working for a
days - for active officers and
civilians. We strive to be long time to build the name
equally attractive for both of the company, which has
already begun to pay off.
experienced and civilian
people who are interested in Alfa-Metal is associated
with quality and high
trying something different and
extreme. Since that year, we standard. You meet people
have started organizing the from all over the world, in
the process of work, -
Basic military prepation
course, which is quite d i f f e r e n t c u l t u r e s ,
traditions. Friendships are
successful. Young people need
this, to feel strong and created and the usefulness
capable. combines with the pleasure.
What is your secret of success?
ork, work and again work. Honestly for 15 years, I have started to allow myself
holidays and trips in the last 2,3 years. Over the years, I have been able to bring
Wtogether a good team of instructors. Of course, without the employees in the company
who work in the offices and help each idea to be brought to an end and successfully
accomplished. Thanks to everyone around me.