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P. 10
The Ashlar R Vol. XIV Issue II
“SYMBOLISM” Courtesy : GLI Masonic Education Program
INTRODUCTION symbols, which have a more complex connotation to
comprehend, like the ones in the context of 'Raising'. In the
“What is Freemasonry?” ensuing dissertation all this shall become clear when explained
"“A peculiar system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated at length.
by symbols.”
Words are often inadequate to express the deeper spiritual truths
as words have a material origin and invariably address a certain The process of entry into Freemasonry begins with preparation
material entity. Masonry, therefore, does not use words to convey of the initiate or the candidate. The Ritual or the ceremony of
the deeper spiritual truth. It resorts to the use of allegory and Initiation is a very imaginative and dramatic rendition to impress
symbols. upon the candidate a degree of expectancy and novelty,
“Symbolism is the key to all mysteries, to all ancient and modern stoking a sense of curiosity in him. All this adds to make the
religions, to all esoteric knowledge. Without an understanding of ceremony a memorable experience for him, to be remembered
the meaning of symbols, one will never appreciate the intrinsic and savoured for many years to come. It also ensures that
beauty of life, or understand what his own religion is trying to every Mason enters the Gentle Order on equal basis, and
teach him. But as the knowledge of the meaning of the symbols shares the same experience irrespective of his station in private
comes to him, he becomes more and more a free man, or or public life. This fosters a bond of Brotherhood and equality
initiate.” amongst Masons.
Allegory is generally understood as a 'narrative description of a The candidate readies himself in two distinct ways: The Internal
subject under the guise of another suggestively similar'. and External preparations.
Dictionary succinctly interprets it as 'emblem', a word almost
synonymous with 'symbol'. The narrative of building of KST is Internal Preparation
one example. It alludes that a Freemason is expected to build
himself into a perfect man as the perfect edifice of the KST. The candidate offering to join the Order does so of his own free
will and volition prompted by a favourable opinion of the Order
Our gentle Order defines its members as 'Free and Accepted, or as may be preconceived by him. The proposer does answer to
Speculative' Masons as opposed to 'Operative Masons'. his various questions to inform him about Masonry; he may
Dictionary meaning of 'Speculative' is 'thoughtful' or even tender some relevant literature to the prospective
'philosophical'. A true speculative Mason thus affords to candidate to inform him about the gentle Order, its history and
comprehend the hidden order of the Universe both of heaven background. Still the candidate must 'declare on his honour'
and earth 'more particularly those of a spiritual and intellectual that he is joining the Craft voluntarily and not under duress, or
nature'. By his understanding he endeavours to unveil the gift of as a result of improper solicitation, or any such unworthy
happiness. He is thus enabled to investigate the order and inducement. He is thus 'first prepared in his heart' to be one of
system of the universe and to adapt to its ideas of morality, justice us.
and peace, the only means by which man can live with comfort
and happiness in the world. Thus the desire to be a Freemason is symbolised as an
endearing wish emanating from ones heart, enthused by 'a
To expound its ethics, Freemasonry employs a great number of general desire for knowledge'.
symbols interlaced in several allegories and rituals. Generically
symbols could be classed into three categories. The first ones He is, just before his Initiation, also asked to re-affirm his faith in
are easy to comprehend, or obvious symbols – like the Supreme Being which is the most essential requirement to join
symbolism of twenty four inches gauge. The second one is where the Order. It is immaterial as to which religion, church, or
the meaning may be a little obscure, needing some elaboration: denomination of faith he subscribes to, as long has he accepts
Like the meaning of various things/items during a candidate's the Fatherhood of God. This is not just the orientation of the
preparation for initiation. And finally, the third category of candidate about the spiritual dimension of Freemasonry. It