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P. 11
The Ashlar R Vol. XIV Issue II
symbolically conveys yet another message that of universal remind the candidate that that he is slipshod since he is
Brotherhood. entering the Holy precincts of the Temple.
It may be emphasized here that Freemasonry is not a religious 6.Divested of All Metals: It signifies that one must willingly
Order. It does not recommend itself to seek salvation. detach oneself from the material world to enter the spiritual
Freemasonry demands practice of every moral and social realm of the soul. Inside of the Temple all Brethren are equal,
virtue. Its essential Tenets are enshrined in the 'Charge after whether they are rich or poor. This act also symbolizes
Initiation', which is recommended for your reading again. harmony, something that every Freemason holds dear.
Presence of metal is thought to induce dissension. Being
External Preparation received into Freemasonry in a state of poverty should remind
him of other's needs, and prompt him to readily help indigent
External or physical preparation of the candidate is done by the
Brethren and those in distress.
Tyler 'in a convenient room adjoining the Lodge' on the day of
his initiation. This constitutes the chief elementary Landmark 7.Hoodwink: There is a message in blind-folding the
which renders a candidate perfectly eligible for admission into candidate. That his 'heart should conceal or conceive before
the Temple. his eyes discover'. Also that innocent that he is, like a child, he
must patiently await enlightenment. Then in case should he
Whatever were the considerations in the minds of those who
refuse to go through the ceremonies of initiation he shall be sent
initially framed the mode of preparation of the candidate will
out of the Lodge without compromising its form. Besides, he is
never be known for certain. There are, however, some plausible aware that he is 'in a state of darkness' as he comes up for
theories, which adequately explain the rationale behind various
initiation. Thus metaphorically it is also hinted that he should
constituents of the mode of preparation. Some of the accepted
always keep outsiders (non-Masons) in dark about the
explanations are noted hereunder:
Mysteries and Secrets of the Order.
1.Change of Dress: The unusual dress of the candidate during
8.Cable Tow about Neck: It is again holds a twofold lesson for
initiation is apparently to induce humility by a feeling of abject
the candidate. As noted above, he must not be overtly impatient
penury. That he is neither naked nor fully covered
to enter the Lodge, and that he must have faith in Brother
emblematically indicates that he is innocent like an infant, conducting him.
oblivious of his appearance.
9.Knocks at the Door also have an esoteric reference.
2.Right Arm Made Bare indicates confidence, and at once
Explained variously, its meaning comes from 'certain
suggests that though unarmed and unguarded he is able-
scriptures'. The knocks signify, 'I sought in my mind; I asked of
bodied capable to do labour using tools and even to wield a
my friend; I knocked, and the Door of Masonry became open on
weapon. Symbolically he is able to defend the standing of the
to me.'
Craft in face of any adverse criticism.
It must be obvious from the foregoing that the Masonic
3.Bared Left Breast suggests sincerity and purity of heart; also Education starts the moment a candidate decides to enter our
that he is a male and not an imposture.
gentle Order. Thereafter, virtually every action symbolically
urges him towards enlightenment. He is made aware to
4.Bared Left Knee is indicative of humility before the GATU.
practice universal beneficence, charity, in fact every moral and
The left knee is bared as the candidate would later be kneeling
social virtue. As a Speculative Mason it is for him to understand
on his left knee to take his solemn obligation, and it is important
and interpret those symbols to enable him to “exert his talents
that his knee firmly rests upon the holy (sacrosanct) floor of the
wherewith God has blessed him, as well to His glory as the
welfare of his fellow creatures.”
5.Slipshod Right Heel alludes to an ancient custom of slipping
the shoe off the foot on entering Holy ground. In the ceremony, it
is apparently adopted from certain passage in the Scriptures,
where Lord spoke thus to Moses, “Put off thy shoes from off thy
feet, for the place where you standest is holy ground”. It acts to