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N  A  L  G
                                                   I  O
                                                   G E  RAND LODGE
           The Ashlar                              R                               Vol. XIV Issue II
                                 From The Rocking Chair

          One day a wise man asked Khalil Gibran        It is said that a man's actions are a picture
          what the passing old man, bent over a stick   book of his creeds  I gathered that this boy
          was doing. Khalil  replied that the old man   with the blue shirt would never shy away
          walking bent over the stick was searching     from  speaking  his  mind,standing  by  the
          for  all  that  he  had  lost  in  his  youth  truth  and  acting  out  his  convictions.
          An old mason as he rocks on his chair is just   I had found a leader who will be respected.
          doing  that  he  is  searching  not  for      That blue eyed boy is none other than our
          What  he  has  lost  but  searching  for  the   dear and R. W. Bro. Rajeev. R. Khandelwal
          memories he has been blessed with , for that   O. S. M. Our Grand Master Elect who this
          is all he possesses                           day  will  be  installed  as  M.  W.  Grand
          I recall today searching ,in my album , and   Master of the Grand Lodge Of India  Who
          my thoughts directs me to that day about 20   the G. A. O. T. U. Long Preserve .  AMEN
          years ago when a total stranger entered my
          cabin wearing a blue shirt .
          As was my custom I welcomed him and
          offered him a cup of tea .
          While we were sharing that cup of tea and
          observing  him  from  all  angles  I
          immediately realized that I was fortunate to
          have unearthed a gem.

                                   MASONIC TRIVIA AND FACTS

         The Third Degree Of Freemasonry               this was later modified to “let a man’s
         The third degree did not exist at the         religion or mode of worship be what it
         beginning of Freemasonry. In fact, it only    may”, professing freedom of religion and
         started in the 1720s, and it took quite       of worship.
         some time to spread through Masonic
         lodges.                                       Charles Darwin Was A Freemason
                                                       Charles Darwin was a Freemason.
         The Anderson’s Constitution                   Darwin became a Freemason in Scotland,
         The Grand Lodge of England modified           and his grandfather and son also were
         Anderson’s Constitution in 1815 to clarify    Freemasons.
         the question of religion in Freemasonry.

         Anderson’s Constitution originally stated
         that a Freemason can “never be a stupid
         Atheist nor an irreligious libertine”, but

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