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July - Sept’2018                                 The Ashlar ; Vol.XIV Issue II

           Dear Brethren,                          Facta Non Verba - From Regional Grand Master      2
           We are into the second issue of the fourteenth quarter. I am  POEM               3
           glad very fewer Ashlars are returning back to us due to
                                                   Social Service Activity at Bhopal       5-7
           faulty addresses as compared to 9 years ago. I am hopeful
                                                   Symbolism                              9-10
           in the coming months we reduce their number further, by
           correcting addresses of the brethren who have moved to   Regional Grand Lodge Awards Sept'2018   11-13
           new house, location or city.            In Memoriam                             12
           Freemasonry  describes  itself  as  a  "'beautiful  system  of  From Rocking Chair / Masonic Trivia and Facts   15
           morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols". The  From Upanishads to Freemasonry   17
           symbolism is mainly, but not exclusively, drawn from the
                                                   Report on RGL - Special Meeting Bhopal   19-21
           manual  tools  of  the  stonemasons  –  the  square  and
                                                   Social Service / Activity Report of RGLWI   23-28
           compasses, the level and plumb rule, the trowel, among
           others. But there are basic beliefs common to all regular,   Long Time Service Jewel   29
           mainstream  Masonic  organizations.  The  beliefs  of  Initiation during the Period July to Sept’2018   31
           Freemasonry can be boiled down to those three simple  Temple at Nagpur          31
           concepts. Masons are taught to believe in Brotherly love,
                                                   Masonic Trivia and Facts                32
           Love for each other and for all mankind, Relief - helping
           hand and tongue and Truth which is unquestionable virtue
                                                   Glimpses of Special Meeting
           of good man. Its time to start practicing these virtues in

           order that when anyone is said to be a member of it, the
                                                      33-36 / Back Cover
           world may know that to whom the burdened heart may pour
           for its sorrow, whose hand is guided by justice and whose
           heart is expanded by benevolence. In fine, we need to
           practice them so as to show the happy and beneficial effect
           of our ancient institution, lest we shall be found unworthy by   Editor     :   V.W.Bro.Tarun Shrivastava
                                                                   Smt.  Urmila S.  Shrivastava  Marg,  'Laughter  House',
           the world as some of the other organisations.           H.No. 214, New Colony, Nagpur-440001
                                                                  Email :
           This  issue  is  mainly  dedicated  to  the  RGLWI  -  Special
                                                   Correspondent    :
           Meeting, the awards and accolades received by the our  Mumbai    :   V.W.Bro. Mehernosh M Patel
           brethren as rewards to their many services rendered during   Pune   :   R.W.Bro.Vijay Awadhani
                                                   Indore & Bhopal  :   W.Bro.Girish Wagh
           last year. The LTS recipients have inspired us, and kept the   Gujarat   :   R.W.Bro. Rajiv Sethi
           flag  of  Freemasons  flying  high.    We  are  thankful  to  Advisory    :   R.W.Bro.Ardeshir S Vakil, OSM RGM
           W.Bro.Kamlesh Jaimini for the photographs shared with us.          R.W.Bro.Zawareh H Wadia, PRGM &
                                                                     R.W.Bro. Rajeev R Khandelwal, OSM
           The  appeal  for  articles,  history  of  your  Lodge,  and
                                                   Printing & Layout  :   Mr. Motilal Abhiman Ukare
           contributions to the magazine, will continue to be made and   Published by V.W.Bro. Mehernosh M Patel RGS, RGLWI and Printed at
           when  received,  it  shall  be  acknowledged  and  shall  be  Namita Art, Near Datta Mandir,Shubhash Road, Ganeshpeth Nagpur-18
           faithfully applied.                     Published material does not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or of the institutional leadership,
                                                   nor the editor takes responsibility for errors of fact that may be made by the writers. Reprint are
           Till then, Keep Smiling                 permitted, provided they are in context, mentioned the source and a published copy sent to the editor.
                                                   Regional Grand Lodge of Western India
           V.W.Bro.Tarun Shrivastava, Dip.M.Ed.    Freemason's Hall, Damodardas Sukhadwala Marg, Fort, Mumbai-400 001.
                                                   Telephone: 022-22071120/Fax: 022-22074875
                                         , Website :

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