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O  N  A  L   G
                                                   G E  I  RAND LODGE
           The Ashlar                              R                                Vol. XIV Issue II
                       Facta Non Verba - From Regional Grand Master

          Dear Brethren,                                being  presented  during  the  quarter.  In  Chapter  6  LTS
                                                        Jewels,7 LTS Jewels in Mark and 1 LTS in RAM. In all 36
          We have began the July - September 2018 quarter with my   LTS Jewels were presented to brethren who have given
          visit to Nagpur. The vibrant Masonic Centre of Western
          Region. We conducted Area Meeting with all Lodges of   continuous service to Freemasonry. I am sure there are
          Nagpur, Jabalpur, Amravati and Raipur participating. The   many in your respective Lodges waiting for this honour,
          visit  was  eventful,  as  I  attended  many  charity  project   please  see  that  the  application  is  sent  to  Region  for
                                                        processing so that they are duly recognized.
          undertaken by the brethren of Nagpur.
                                                        Brethren,  the  team  of  Ashlars  lead  by  V.W.Bro.Tarun
          Brethren of Bhopal did a splendid job by organising the
          Regional Grand Lodge of Western India Special Meeting   Shrivastava has been making frequent appeal to file your
                                                                        social  service  report  for  the
          with perfection and satisfaction of
          all  the  visiting  brethren.  I  was                         publication in the magazine.. We
          particularly present during Award                             find that many personal reminders
          Function of Scholarship worth few                             and phone calls are still required
                                                                        for  by  the  editorial  team.  It's  a
          lakhs  to  students,  i.e.  the  top  3                       matter  of  pride  and  privilege  for
          students  of  21  Government
          schools  in  Bhopal  in  MP  State                            your Lodge to report them in the
          10th Board exams and gave them                                quarterly magazine, wherein your
          a cash reward of Rs 1200 / 1000 /                             own brethren of our Region come
                                                                        to  know  of  the  good  work  you
          800  respectively  &  a  trophy  to
          encourage  continuance  of  the                               Lodge carries out throughout the
          performance  by  the  students                                year. We request some senior past
          position  in  the  Government                                 masters  to  sit  down  and  pen
                                                                        history of your Lodges, so that they
          Schools. It was note worthy that                              can be shared too.
          Bhopal  has  been  doing  this
          scholarship  distribution  through                            Freemasonry is a way of life, and
          many years. This subject is close                             brethren,  it  should  be  our
          to my heart and hence it was a                                endeavors to make it better by way
          matter  of  personal  satisfaction                            of practicing those virtues that are
          too.                                                          taught in it. We must desist from
                                                                        rumors,  back  biting  and  give  us
          Other Lodges which do give such                               constructive  suggestions  to
          charity regularly are Lodge Tyrrell
          Leith  No.43,  Vadodara,  Lodge                               improve.  What  we  find  praise
          Kathiawar No.59, Rajkot and I am                              worthy  in  others,  we  should  in
          sure many other Lodges will take                              ourselves  imitate,  and  what  in
                                                        them we find defective, we should in our self first amend.
          up my call for providing helping hand to poor students.
                                                        Each  one  should  strive  to  become  better  as  rising  to
          We are fortunate that M.W.Bro.Harcharan Singh Ranuata,   eminence  by  merit,  you  will  live  respected  and  die
          OSM, graced the occasion and appreciated the efforts of   regretted.
          the brethren of Western Region. The Lodge Awards in Craft,
          Chapter and Mark must have motivated other Lodges to   By the time this magazine reaches you, we must have
          strive  further  for  the  betterment  of  our  fraternity.  These   already seen the change of guard at the Grand Lodge of
          recognitions were for the last year. I must thank the staff of   India  level,  with  R.W.Bro.Rajeev  R  Khandelwal,  OSM
                                                        installed as Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Ancient
          Regional  Grand  Lodge  and  Grand  Lodge  of  India  for
          processing many Long Term Service Jewel request in a   Free and Accepted Masons of India.
          short time. Thus, we could see many 22 LTS Jewels in Craft

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