Page 76 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 76

Page 76

                                             15mm Plush Chenille

                                                                             Part Numbers

                                                         Part No             Color                   Barcode
                                                         sem-pt-char    Chartreuse               886741053938
                                                         sem-pt-cor    Coral                     886741053068
                                                         sem-pt-fgrn    Fluoro Green             886741051385
                                                         sem-pt-flpk    Fluoro Light Pink        886741053266
                                                         sem-pt-fpk    Fluoro Pink               886741051347
                                                         sem-pt-fred    Fluoro Red               886741051392
                                                         sem-pt-frorg    Fluoro Orange           886741051439
                                                         sem-pt-fyel    Fluoro Yellow            886741053136
                                                         sem-pt-pblu    Cornflower Blue          886741051378
                                                         sem-pt-pch    Peach                     886741051361
                                                         sem-pt-porg    Pale Orange              886741053129
                                                         sem-pt-sample    Sample                 886741850261

                                                         sem-pt-sunb    Sunburst                 886741051446
                        SRP $3.06                        sem-pt-wht    White                     886741051408
                                                         sem-pt-wyel    Wimbledon Yellow         886741051453

                        Specifications                                        Description

       •   15mm chenille                                15mm bonded core  Chenille with UV flecks. Our chenille is
       •   Bonded core so Fibers do not fall apart      specially made to not be too ‘thick’ body so that it can be wound
                                                        closely to produce a tight and bushy fly.
       •   Core dyed with pressurised dying equipment
                                                        Professionally  pressure  dyed  so  that  the  Color  is  dyed
                                                        through the core which is bonded so it does not fall apart.
                                                        UV flecks add vibrancy to flies.

                                       @semperfli              @semperfli_flytying/
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