Page 78 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 78
Page 78
Flies Tied With 15mm Plush & Solid Chenilles
Sea Trout Shrimp
Hook Shrimp curved
Eyes Bead Chain Black Medium
Thread Nano Silk 12/0 Red
Body 15mm Plush Chenille Fluoro
Light Pink.
Deadly for Sea Trout using different color
Viggo Larsson Chenilles
Foam Arsed Blob
Hook Grub
Thread 12/0 White Nano Silk
Body 15mm Fluoro Orange and
Fluoro Yellow Chenilles
Tail 6mm Orange Foam Tube
with Glitter Disk
Head Orange Fluoro Brite
Used in competitions, with an extra glitter behind
this lifts fish when they turn using traditional FABs Sandy Dickson
@semperfli @semperfli_flytying/