Page 4 - Swansea Skills Report 2024
P. 4

Economically Active Trend
Swansea Wales UK
Information taken from the ONS 2021 census data.
Swansea’s population size has decreased by 0.2%,
from around 239,000 in 2011 to 238,500 in 2022
(Although still the second largest populated LA in
Wales). The total population of Wales grew by 1.4,
Carmarthenshire +2.2% NPT +1.8%
There has been an increase of 16.6% of people aged
65 -74
A net decrease of people aged 15 to 64 years,
A net decrease of children aged under 15 years.
This has resulted in the average (median) age of
Swansea residents increasing by two years (39 – 41)
When looking at working age populations (16-64)
there are 148,000 residents (62% of the population)
however 31% of these are 50-64 and will be due to
retire within the next 15 years
The key element of this information is when we look
and compare the 50–64 age group with the under 15
population. The under 15’s being 5,567 less than the
50-64, therefore a potential issue to fill the retirement
hole in the coming years.
This however does not provide a completed picture;
social issues need also to be considered.
Out of the current working population of 16-64
demographic, 17,000 are economically inactive**
10,000 of those being long term sick.
4,000 Economically inactive have stated they would
like a job
Economically active has however rapidly grown since
2022 up 3.7% and is now higher than the Wales and
UK national averages. (Figure 1)
Figure 1:
*Numbers are estimations based on low sample data
** Excluding Students
Population rise and fall by age - Swansea
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Population share by age - Swansea

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