Page 5 - Swansea Skills Report 2024
P. 5
Mid and South West Wales has the highest
proportion of NEET across Wales (15%), (Figure
1) although NEET numbers have reduced since
2012, the numbers are starting to rise again.*
Figure 2 below suggests that The proportion of
young people that are NEET generally increases
with age between 16 and 22.
A large part of addressing skills gaps is
understanding the demographic situation in the
county. More understanding is required to
investigate why so many young adults are
becoming NEET
Figure 1:
Young People Not in Education,
Employment or Training by Region June
Demographics - NEET
How can the county encourage the 4,000 of
inactive working age population who want a
job, back into work?
Can more be done to encourage those that are
long term sick to potentially reskill / upskill into
a role that they are able to do?
Why does the county have such a high level of
long-term sickness?
Why do NEET numbers increase when young
people approach 20 years old? What is
distracting them from the labour market?
More local data and insight into these concerns
is required to formulate a robust and coherent
strategy to alleviate these potential burdens on
the labour market.
Address the root causes of why Economic
Activity has accelerated in the county, continue
that best practice
Addressing these concerns will certainly help
the labour shortage and skills gaps currently
being faced. It may also have an added benefit
of releasing some pressure from public services
and providing younger people fulfil their
Figure 2:
Young People Not in Education,
Employment or Training by Age
*Numbers are estimations based on low sample data