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OPF UPDATE                                                                                                                                       OPF UPDATE

 Engagement  Engagement

 Women’s Day  HHH - Earth Hour  OPF Anniversary

 omen’s  Day  was  celebrated  by  our  DD  women  with  great  gusto.   arth Hour,  was  observed  across  all  locations  on  23  March  2018.  Lights   DIN had a fabulous OPF Anniversary Week celebration from 5 – 9 February 2018. There was an OPF Hour
 WRight  from  dancing  to  the  Zumba  beats  in  Mumbai  to  activities   Ewere turned off between 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm. Everyone was encouraged   Deveryday that was dedicated to each pillar of OPF. Day One was about Diversity, while Day Two took to
 with underprivileged girl children in Delhi to a women’s luncheon across   to adopt a lifestyle of careful consumption starting with their use of paper.   Fun@Work with MasterChef DD across locations. Day Three focused on OPF Anniversary, Growth and R&R   West
 locations, it was indeed an “Our Women First” day!  Through the combination of environmental awareness and conscious lifestyle   along with a Facetime with Kiran, the inauguration of the computer lab and installation of a water cooler at
 changes, Dimension Data India pledges to strengthen its commitment to fight   Shree Dayanand Ballika Vidyalaya and of course, the cutting of the OPF Anniversary Cake. Day Four was all
 against climate change and contribute to a future where people and nature   about Wellness that ensured that each DDite began their day on a healthy note and with a green apple. This
 thrive in harmony.  was then followed by a program on Lifestyle Management, that aimed at explaining how one can achieve
              a work and life balance, prevent lifestyle disorders and manage time to create space in our lives. The last
              day of the celebratory week saw activitis centered around HHH and Development with a session on organ
              donation and on out-of-the-box thinking using the principles of Origami.

 Kolkata  Delhi  Hyderabad


                                                                                                            School Inauguration

 Delhi  Bangalore

 Bangalore  Hyderabad  Chennai  Mumbai

 *Confidential: For internal circulation only  OZONE   |   ISSUE IV   |   PAGE  10  *Confidential: For internal circulation only         OZONE   |   ISSUE IV   |   PAGE  11
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