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THE CORNER OFFICE                                                                                                                       THE CORNER OFFICE

 A year of Ozone!

 Dear DDites
                                                               ongratulations to Team India for
 t gives me great pleasure to present to you Ozone IV, rounding off one year of Ozone –
 Ithe voice of our people, by our people, for our people. All the editions so far have   C                                                              completing HY18 on a high note.
 truly been characterised by a strong cross-functional flavour and employee recognition,
 news, views and analysis on a plethora of topics, thereby enhancing its mass appeal and   This is now the 7th straight
 relevance. I must compliment the OPF team for ensuring high-quality content and bringing   financial year that we have
 this together in a timely manner consistently.
         April  2018  also  saw  us  launch  Elevate                        exceeded our PBIT goals
 Congratulations to you Team India for completing HY18 on a high note. This is now the 7    2018, a platform that brought together 93
 straight financial year (albeit a short one due to the alignment with NTT’s financial year)   CXOs along with several industry analysts and   and brought glory to the
 that we have exceeded our PBIT goals and brought glory to the country thru our flawless   guest speakers in a unique format over a 2-day
 execution on almost all critical financial parameters of the business. Indeed, as some of   program  in  Pune.  The  event  was  a  phenomenal   country through our
 my colleagues in the DDAP Executive Leadership Team put it, India’s P&L performance is   success,  drawing  in  participants  in  an  interactive   flawless execution
 like a Swiss watch, delivering with absolutely clinical precision month after month, quarter   format  that  was  very  well  received  and  that  created
 after quarter, year after year. I’m very proud to be a part of this winning team and the high-  waves on social media, especially on Twitter where we   on almost all
 performance culture we represent. As always, there are things to work on to make our   ranked #2 pan India for over 4 hours. My compliments to
 overall business much more robust, top of them being an accelerated focus on services, on   the marketing team for designing and executing a stupendous   critical financial
 platforms and on managing the cash flows better to be able to support our fast-growing   event.
 business. I take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your contribution and request     parameters of
 your continued support for our strategy and its execution.  As we start FY18, I wish you all continued success in your journey with   the business
         DD and wish you the very best to achieve your and your team’s goals for
 I had the opportunity to attend the Global Strategy Conference in Johannesburg between 23   the year.
 Kiran Bhagwanani  – 25 April 2018 and hear firsthand the Dimension Data Group strategy for FY20. No surprises,   Smiles
 the strategy continues to revolve around the key pivots of driving platforms and services-
 Chief Executive Officer,  led growth, gaining market share in our core business while driving transformation in our   Kiran.
 South Asia, Japan & New Zealand, Dimension Data  business model, delivering on profit goals every quarter, a much tighter GTM alignment
 with other NTT operating companies and of course, re-skilling and managing our enormous
 talent pool effectively to make this journey exciting and rewarding for our people. In the
 days ahead, we will plan out strategy sessions as part of the Connect initiative this quarter
 to make sure the strategy is well understood and well executed by all our people.

 *Confidential: For internal circulation only  OZONE   |   ISSUE IV   |   PAGE  2  *Confidential: For internal circulation only          OZONE   |   ISSUE IV   |   PAGE  3
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