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Welcome to our very first APTL News Quarterly!
So what is the APTL? Put simply, the APTL stands for the Association of Professional Therapists and Lecturers. It is
an Association dedicated to supporting professionally trained Therapists, working in the field of Holistic Therapy,
Beauty Therapy and Reiki.
Why the “Lecturers” bit? Well, when Vitality Holistic Massage and Beauty Training left the Guild of Professional
Beauty in May 2019 we felt that we had a duty of care to our students to ensure they received the ongoing support
they deserved in line with the professional training they received and this is where the Lecturers come in.
The VHMBT Lecturers have years, (sorry I cannot divulge how many years! ) of knowledge and experience in the field
of Complementary, Beauty and Reiki. They are the backbone of the APTL, and along with myself, they share a pas-
sion and an aim; to give their students as much industry guidance as they can to ensure that the “on-going support”
VHMBT advertises is honoured.
What better way to do that than to set up an Association that provides:
endorsement of Vitality Holistic Massage and Beauty Training accredited and validated courses
VHMBT graduates with the opportunity to be part of a professional organisation free of charge for as long as
they are insured and working in the industry
a free listing on the APTL website
a quarterly Newsletter
a Facebook Group where members can sell equipment, ask questions, post articles that will inspire fellow
members, and share experiences
assistance, encouragement to members and the backing of the APTL Tutors/Lecturers
a certificate of membership
low cost annual membership for insured therapists who are not VHMB trained—just £12 a year pro-rata
(1st June—31st May )
a shiny badge for a one off payment of £6.50
the support of the Independent Professional Therapists International (IPTI) who validate and insure the
VHMBT courses and offer competitive insurance cover to members and a discount off their first annual
We launched in June 2019, we are new and we have a long way to go, but we do believe in being transparent. We are
a not for profit organisation; any money raised through membership fees and the sale of badges will go to the cost of
funding and maintaining the website, production, printing and posting of the membership certificates and badges
and who knows what the future may hold, maybe a coffee and cake meeting in 2020 working our way up to an annual
conference in 2030...but let’s not get carried away—let us remain organic, let’s see how we evolve; doesn’t hurt to
have a little bit of ambition though does it! So JOIN US– be part of this exciting journey. You will find the
application form on the APTL website.
As Plato the 5th Century Greek Philosopher said:
“The beginning is the most important part of the work”