Page 6 - Newsletter August 2019
P. 6
Time to prepare your
Clients for Summer
Now is the time to slough off that old skin
and prepare the body for the summer.
A Body Brushing and Exfoliating treatment is not
only wonderfully relaxing but functional too.
It is very stimulating and encourages oxygenating
blood and nutrients to the surface of the skin bringing
nourishment to the body’s largest organ.
The body is brushed all over with a dry brush which
removes the dry and dead skin cells and prepares the
skin for exfoliation.
Exfoliating the skin can also be very invigorating and
stimulating, as the particles in the product gently rub
away any skin cells left behind after the brushing.
You could offer your client a while body Rhassoul
mud mask and hot towel treatment too.
Finally, the skin is moisturises, or for a really
luxurious treatment you could offer your client an
aromatherapy massage where the essential oils will
Thursday, 22 August 2019 further enhance the condition of the skin.
BODY BRUSHING AND SKIN (Please ensure you are qualified to blend and use
essential oils)
WITH ALLY SHARRATT I can guarantee that after this treatment your clients
skin will feel amazing; bright, tingling and
ROTHWELL wonderfully soft and conditioned.
It is also an essential treatment for anyone planning a
This intense and comprehensive course begins with fake tan. A body brush and exfoliate is a MUST!
theory which prepares the student for the practical
element of the course. Student will learn the correct
method for body brushing, exfoliating, moisturizing Clients are recommended to have a treatment 24—
and application of hot towels and Rhassoul mud 48 hours prior to receiving a fake tan (treatments
mask. (During the training day the mask is applied to vary according to products used so check what is
the back but the course is accredited for the whole recommended)
Course time 9am - 2pm To book a place on the course please contact
Tutor: Ally Sharratt
£155 Inclusive of Comprehensive Manual, which will Telephone: 07806 787483
be emailed in PDF format prior to your practical Email:
training day, a hard copy of the Routine, your Other dates are available.
Diploma and on going support.
Products will be provided for use by students. Sam in Milton Keynes and Lyn in Oundle also
teach this fabulous Summer Course which is
Students are requested to provide their own lunch - REALLY popular at this time of year.
refreshments are provided.
Please contact them if you are interested in
Anatomy and Physiology qualification is not a discussing training dates.
requirement to undertake this course
Visit the Vitality website for full contact details
AWARDED 14 Points for Continual Professional
Development (CPD)