Page 9 - Newsletter August 2019
P. 9
Musing from your editor…….
I have never understood the reason why massaging someone with cancer was contra-indicated and why so many
people were being denied the opportunity to receive therapeutic touch because of the risk of spreading cancer.
It is time to put those “Old Wives Tales” to rest.
At one time it was believed that the downward pressure of massage on the body would cause cancer cells to
break off from a primary tumour and spread (metastasize) to another part of the body. These theories can
probably be traced back to the time of Hippocrates (the father of medicine) who believed that cancer spread out
like the arms of a crab and grabbed on to other parts of the body. What is the astrological sign for cancer? Yes
you’ve got it, it’s a crab.
There was also the theory that the movement involved in massage could spread cancer rich lymph around the
body. The lymphatic system does not have a pump and it relies on muscle movement and respiration to push
lymph around the body. If it were true that cancer was spread by the movement of lymph then anyone with
cancer would be advised to stop moving, washing, or moisturising the body, and also to stop breathing! None of
those beliefs are true.
So what causes cancer? It is a biological process but it is complicated and too detailed to cover in this article, the
questions are what can we do as massage therapists and reiki practitioners to help those who’s bodies are going
through these biological changes? The answer is plenty! Can we do so without fear? YES absolutely, which is why
I am currently researching and writing a brand new course called
Integrative Cancer Care Massage ©
“Communication Through Touch”
Combining two or more things to form an effective unit or system. "An integrative approach to learning"
Combining allopathic and complementary therapies.
Touch is processed through the ‘Tactile’ sense. Tactile receptors that ‘pick up’ the sensation of touch are all over
our bodies in our skin. Some areas of our skin have more tactile senses than other areas e.g. mouth and hands.
The tactile senses are important for identifying touch, pressure, pain, temperature and texture.
Through my work as a therapist at a local cancer charity I meet a lot of people with cancer, going through tough
treatments and those who are also in remission. I know first hand how important it is for a client to maintain
their own identity , not be “Susan, the lady with breast cancer” but to be “Susan” - no label required.
I have recently received in depth training in gentle touch massage and I can see the need for more practitioners,
less fear and more communication through touch. It’s important that we don’t turn away people presenting with
cancer, but also that we understand the process , can communicate effectively and can delver a massage
confidently and safely.
Ove r the coming months, I will have more information for you and will keep you updated on how I am
progressing, but I will leave you with this…..
“Touch was never meant to be a luxury. It is a basic human need.
It is an action that validates life and gives hope to both the receiver
and the giver. The healing of touch is reciprocal”
Irene Smith, Founder of Everflowing