Page 12 - Newsletter August 2019
P. 12
Don’t have policies in place and not implement them. Be firm but fair, do not be taken advantage of and remember,
you deserve to be successful and enjoy a full and rewarding life. No revenue, no business – so the choice is yours.
Once clients understand that you love your job, but you do not do it for love, they will be your best advocates.
Here is an example of what your policies document might look like. You may wish to add your
scale of fees or a fixed fee—it is your business so you set the rules.
We understand that unanticipated events happen in everyone’s life. In our desire to be effective and fair
to all clients, we request that the following policies are honoured.
No Shows and Cancellations
Please understand that other clients may be competing for your appointment time. In order to be
courteous to them and to me, please give at least 24 hours notice of cancellations. Except for emergency
situations, missing an appointment without proper notification will result in a missed appointment
All fees must be paid before another appointment will be scheduled.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive late to your appointment your session may be shortened in order to accommodate clients
who’s appointments follow yours. Depending on how late you arrive your therapist will determine if there
is enough time remaining to carry out your treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually
given you will be required to pay for the full session.
I agree to abide by the policies set out above.
Signed ________________________________Date______________________