Page 130 - The wicked things to God
P. 130
The wicked things to God
cosmos world, and if you do not have purpose to live in faith,
whichever the case may be, absolutely it does not fit for you.
So, please do not repeat to do against the message as if you
did not understand and did not hear. If the message is offen-
sive and uncomfortable to you, I clearly say to you to leave
because there are many churches around you.
Those, who believe in Jesus, and to whom the Holy Spirit
comes, are surely guided by the Holy Spirit to get out of their
old self and their former way of life. Therefore, the more you
grow in your faith, the more you feel deeply about the things
that you should throw away. For the Holy Spirit makes you
feel even a tiny thing and know it and see it, so you cannot
be together with such dead and dirty things any longer. And
then you have been opened and realized through the Word.
So, you look back yourself and try to search more what else
around. Indeed, I don’t need to even say this if you are a per-
son of faith, but it is a shame that I have mentioned about
it again, because there is only the surface of faith, but no
power therein.
Please have a will to discern colors or patterned de-
signs even when you get your household goods or clothes
that you need. I mean, please discern the cosmos world, for
example, an animal fur, etc. For it says that John’s clothes
were made of camel’s hair, so also do people, who believe in