Page 140 - The wicked things to God
P. 140
The wicked things to God
the coming of the Holy Spirit from the heaven is a huge uni-
versal event that the kingdom of God has come to the earth.
Therefore, the coming of the Holy Spirit from heaven means
that the kingdom of God has come into the inside of the be-
lievers, and it gives a chance to know about the Holy Spirit
Nowadays, pastors, or people who teach the Bible
know about the Holy Spirit so wrongly and call the Holy
Spirit so wrongly and teach the Holy Spirit so wrongly, there-
fore, it has become seriously wrong about the people’s faith
matters. It says in the verse 2, Suddenly a sound like the
blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the
whole house where they were sitting, and in the verse 3,
They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separat-
ed and came to rest on each of them, and in the verse 4, All
of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak
in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. These are the
scenes that the Holy Spirit whom Jesus promised fully rested
on the disciples who gathered in the upstairs of Mark’s house
after Jesus went into heaven. As such, the phenomena of the
coming of the Holy Spirit were appeared in three things.
Because it says in the Bible about a phenomenon with ‘a
sound like the blowing of a violent wind’, or with ‘what
seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest