Page 165 - The wicked things to God
P. 165
Christmas is a wicked act that has
nothing to do with God
As you know well, the last week, which was December 31,
2006, was Christmas week. But those who came to this
church recently might be curious about why we did not keep
Christmas. So I chose Luke 2:1-20 for the preaching today.
In addition, it is Matthew 1 and 2 that were recorded the
circumstances in detail at the time of Jesus was born. Based
on the evidence of the Bible, I am going to tell you in detail
about ‘Christmas is a wicked act that has nothing to do with
God’, and we will also look at its contents. It may take some
time, but I think you already know that you must be eager
and active to learn faith if you want to have a right faith. If
you do not learn faith, there is a high probability that your
faith will go wrong because you believe in Jesus with your
own way, following your conscience. So I hope you will take
this opportunity to learn a right faith and do your best with
all your heart.