Page 166 - The wicked things to God
P. 166

                                The wicked things to God

                    As the whole world knows, December 25 has been kept

               as Christmas, a great Christian holiday, which people are
               guessing as a birthday that Jesus was born. However, I cannot
               help but say that Christmas has been made by the will of hu-
               man beings and ‘has nothing to do with God’. Dear friends!
               What is the faith that God has mentioned? The faith that God

               has mentioned, is not what people think is right. The Word of
               God written in the Bible is the basis of our faith. And it is the
               faith to act and follow according to the Word. And it is the
               work of faith. If it is not mentioned in the Bible, everything
               that human beings decide and do is neither the faith, nor

               the work even though it seems right to them, even though
               it seems right to their thought, so I am speaking clearly that
               those things are nothing to do with God.
                    As we have seen through the contents of Luke 2, it tes-

               tifies the birth of Jesus. However, there is no record anywhere
               in the Bible about year, month, or day of Jesus’ birth. Biblical
               scholars have constantly studied by using all resources to
               find out the year, month and day when Jesus was born, but
               they did not find it. At the time of Jesus’ birth, the Jews were

               under Roman rule, so people have estimated the birth of
               Jesus to be around 6 BC or 4 BC, when they have traced the
               history and the background of the Roman emperors men-
               tioned in the Bible.

                    Then, why December 25 has been kept as Christmas

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