Page 60 - The wicked things to God
P. 60
The wicked things to God
faith is also in a problem.
But the problem was that after Adam: Cain committed
murder and totally went out from God. So, the sin of Adam
was that a curse came into the earth, but the sin of Cain was
that he himself(man) was cursed. Curse means that man
gave himself to Satan, so he belonged to Satan, became a
character of Satan, and served Satan as his master. That is
you and me today. We are a brood of iniquities that grew up
as the character of Satan. It is just the love of God to save
even us who are in the way of Cain like this. The first man,
Adam, only had spiritual sin, but he did not have evil. Who
is evil? Evil is Satan. Therefore, in order to save even us who
were fallen into iniquities, God let Jesus bear the burdens of
sin, the burdens of iniquity. It means that God set His will
to deliver Cain’s descendants who gave themselves to Satan
from the hands of Satan, and to destroy Satan but to save
Therefore, according to Leviticus 17:11 saying, For the
life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you
to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the
blood that makes atonement for one’s life, until the day
when Jesus Christ came and accomplished the will of God,
the people of the Old Testament passed their sins to the sin-
less and flawless cattle or sheep, and slaughtered them and
shed blood, so that their sins would be forgiven. It was not a