Page 65 - The wicked things to God
P. 65
2. If you do not have the blood of Jesus, the first love
of Jesus. We can come to God when we have the blood of Je-
sus. The one who loves the blood can meet God. And the one
who has the evidence of the blood can do the work of God
and be received by God.
Do you know what the blood that Jesus shed for sinners is? I
mean, I wonder whether you know what the blood of Jesus
shed for you who believe in Jesus. Did that blood become
your strength as the blood that has saved you and as the
faith with traces in your spirit, soul and body?
Jesus shed the blood of obedience. On the night before
Jesus died on the cross, He went up to a garden called Geth-
semane, and prayed to God all night. The sin of Adam was
that a curse came into the earth, and the sin of Cain was that
a curse came into man, so man became a slave of all kinds
of unclean evil, such as sharp thorns, prickly thistles, dis-
eases in the body, selfishness, hatred, envy, jealousy, murder,
lie, etc., and so man became a slave of lust.
By receiving the command to die, Jesus came. And
when the time of the suffering that He was crucified, came
at hand, He went up to the garden with heartbreaking to
pray to God. But He was overwhelmed with the suffering of
a crushed soul because the work of crucifixion became a
burden to Him so much. So, He was deeply grieved with fear
and sorrow. To His people who themselves professed to be