Page 70 - The wicked things to God
P. 70
The wicked things to God
are saying by simply focusing on His physical pain. They
cannot see, nor can hear, nor can know anything other than
the pain that Jesus suffered in the flesh. The crucifixion,
which a sinner was tied and nailed to a cross, was the law
of execution that had been going on for two hundred years
in the Roman Empire before Jesus came. Not only Jesus
was crucified, but many sinners died on the cross, and also
among the disciples of Jesus. There were some disciples
who were executed even more cruelly and painfully than
crucifixion. So if you, as a real sinner, don’t see Jesus, you
may say just nonsense. Jesus is absolutely the Savior of a
hundred percent sinner. Jesus was crucified there because
of sinners. Only sinners can hear the voice of Jesus. Only
sinners can hear the desperate cry of Jesus.
When Jesus prayed in the garden before He was cruci-
fied, His sweat fell to the ground like blood, which was that
He had to shed the blood of obedience for the cost of disobe-
dience, and which let us have the power to obey. Therefore,
only sinner who realizes that they are sinners can obey. The
more you know that you are a sinner who cannot but to fall
into the fire pit of hell if it is not Jesus’ righteousness, the
more you thirst to live by the righteousness of Jesus, and you
are pleased to obey because the Holy Spirit has come in you.
The next, Jesus shed the blood of forgiveness of sins. God