Page 71 - The wicked things to God
P. 71
2. If you do not have the blood of Jesus, the first love
handed Jesus over to the power of Satan’s death and let
Him be crucified like a wicked sinner, so Satan succeeded
in killing Jesus on the cross to pour out His water and blood
by charging the title of the sin that Jesus blasphemed God.
It was as if death had even swallowed God, that is, life.
However, in order for us to get the life of heaven, God handed
Jesus over to death and had His will to save those who
came to Jesus, so God raised Jesus from death. Now life has
swallowed death. The way to obtain the life of God, which
was hidden from Satan, was to die. Therefore, through Jesus
who was raised again, sin was dead. Sin has been dead. The
blood shed on Jesus’ cross has become the blood of strength
to be taken away sins.
It means that the blood of Jesus shed on the cross is
the blood which forgives our iniquity. 1 John 1:7 says, The
blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. Sin was
crucified and dead. But Jesus was definitely raised from
death, so death has been over. The curse of the law was dead
and hanged on the cross, and the power of the devil’s death
has been hanged. Now, when we think about Jesus who
was hanged on the cross, we are not crying with our feeling
about how painful He was, but we should know why Jesus
was crucified. If so, we are to realize and know it in our soul,
and we are to know it is a blessing when we have thankful
His grace that is given to us. So then, this cry of faith must