Page 76 - The wicked things to God
P. 76
The wicked things to God
with themselves tied up to a curse. I mean, they grab the
old sinner’s life, and hold hell themselves, but do not put it
down. They are caught in a persecution complex and fall
into self-pity. I have seen their attitude that they will not put
down their way of thinking even if they die. Their souls have
not been healed, so the curse of the spirit remains as it is.
That is, they are not yet forgiven of sin and still are in sin. It
means, they do not really know Jesus from their hearts, and
they do not accept and acknowledge themselves as sinners. It
means they believed in Jesus only with their mouths and said
about their forgiveness only with their mouths.
Believing in Jesus means that the old self died with
Jesus and have been born again with Jesus. It means we
have been born again as the one who has been healed. It
means we have been recreated as a new creation. Now, the
past was crucified with Jesus. So, dear friends, if you hug the
old wounds that you were hurt in the past, and are caught
in a persecution complex with the words like this, ‘Because
of him, because of whom, my life is so….’, please do not
block your blessings with such these words, and I hope you
should have the humility which you realize in your own
soul that the strength that Jesus shed blood with saying ‘It is
finished’ to give His life. I mean, do not put yourself in your
bridle with such garbage coming from sins. You who hear
this message are a new creation from today, so please do not