Page 79 - The wicked things to God
P. 79
2. If you do not have the blood of Jesus, the first love
the essence of the salvation is love. It is faith that we realize,
know and believe the love that gave the only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ, to death on behalf of our sins. It means what
God loved us is that Jesus Christ shed His blood by laying
down His life. We cannot forget the grace of shedding blood
of Jesus even for a moment. How can we forget the blood,
even for a moment?; The blood of obedience shed in the
garden of Gethsemane, the blood that redeemed the curse by
putting a crown of thorns on head, the blood of forgiveness
of sins when His hand and feet were tied and nailed to a
cross and His side was pierced with a spear, and the shedding
blood while He suffered with the whip.
In Revelation 2, it said to the church in Ephesus that
You have forsaken your first love. It said, ‘You have forsaken
your first love. Remember the height from which you have
fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not
repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from
its place.’ It is said, your acts were indeed right, and you
have worked hard, acted right, persevered, endured, and not
allowed the wicked, and also you have the ability to endure
for the name of Jesus Christ, and you were not lazy. It means
that they had no shortage in these regards. It says, however,
you have forgotten the most important essence, your first
love, that is, the first condition that God would meet you, the
first condition to meet God: that is, you have forgotten the