Page 83 - The wicked things to God
P. 83
2. If you do not have the blood of Jesus, the first love
as a religion. Therefore, when people come to the church to
believe, they pray with all their heart for their needs, which
they want to have a baby, they want to have a baby son, they
want to make a lot of money, etc., is that right?
It is called the Gospel that Jesus died by shedding
blood on the cross, and His blood shedding is called the first
love, which is the condition that God meets sinners. People
change its meaning, however, because they have no eyes to
understand the Bible through Jesus Christ, but they under-
stand the Bible through themselves. Just as we misplaced the
first button and kept putting it wrong, so understanding the
Bible is also the same. Therefore, in order to prevent us from
having sure evidence of this faith about Jesus’ blood, Satan
and his spirits work very hard for us to see the Bible through
ourselves, so they block us to understand.
Jesus, who shed blood for us, and who obeyed the will of God
while He prayed till His sweat became the drops of blood in
the garden of Gethsemane, and who was struck with a stone
and a rod and walked the way of death silently with His
sorrowful heart to the point of death, and who suffered the
pains on the cross in silence, is your Savior and our Savior.
That Jesus forgave our sins, gave us the eternal life, and
made us know happiness and love. With the contribution
of Jesus, we have become the holy saints, we rejoice also