Page 73 - The wicked things to God
P. 73
2. If you do not have the blood of Jesus, the first love
my people he was stricken. He was assigned a grave with
the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he
had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.
Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to
suffer. Just it depicted Jesus who would suffer like this, so He
suffered in response to this prophecy.
By His wounds we have been healed! It means, we
ourselves have been healed. Each of us ourselves has been
healed! Just as it says we are healed by His wounds, so we
have been healed because Jesus was beaten with a whip and
shed His blood. After Jesus shed the blood of obedience by
fighting against the self and Satan as sweating as like drops
of blood, just He was dragged by the soldiers of the high
priest, and sent to Caiaphas, the high priest, stood before
him. From there, He was despised, mocked, spat, and humili-
ated, then He was handed over to Pilate, the governor. After
Pilate investigated Jesus, he sentenced Jesus to death, even
though he knew He was innocent. Then Jesus was taken to
the Roman soldiers, stripped off, and flogged. They struck Je-
sus in the chest, on the back, on the waist, in the whole body
with a whip attached the hook. Whenever they hit Him, the
hook on the end of the whip made deep scratches and shed-
ding blood, so His flesh was flayed a lot. In every wound and
every scar, which He was beaten with a whip, reddish blood
was spurting and flowed down.