Page 95 - The wicked things to God
P. 95
3. Friendship with the world is hatred toward God
world. God did not create the cosmos world, but the material
world, all things in nature. But the cosmos world is not creat-
ed, then, who built it? It is Satan has built his world system-
atically and organizationally. So, when it says God created
the world, it is to mean God created the material world, the
heavens and the earth and all creatures, so you should not
understand that world as the same world that means cosmos.
Hebrews 2:5 also says, the world to come, and here ‘the world
to come’ means the world after the Second Coming of Jesus,
so it is called ‘the world to come’ because God will renew the
material world, enter into that world, and live therein. Like-
wise, you must be able to understand the meaning through
the context of the Word or through the meaning of the origi-
nal language, but anyway, whatever everything that is done
against the purpose of God’s creation and strayed from it
according to the desires of the flesh, is all sin, and is the cos-
mos world of the devil.
It says in James 1:27,… To keep oneself from being
polluted by the world. To keep oneself from being polluted
by the world, here ‘the world’ is the same as ‘the cosmos’
in the original language. At any rate, the devil is a king in
a secular world. John 14:30 and John 12:31 say the devil is
‘the prince of the world’; 2 Corinthians 4:4 says ‘the god of
this age’; Ephesians 2:2 says ‘the ruler of the kingdom of
the air’; John 8:44 says ‘the father of lies’ who created a lie;