Page 5 - SPRING SUMMER 2020 FINAL 5.12.20_Neat
P. 5

Spring/Summer 2020                                                                                             Page 5

     Where does Clinton Township get its drinking water?

     Clinton Township receives its water supply from the
     Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) and the City of
     Mount Clemens. Our source water from the GLWA comes
     from the lower Lake Huron watershed and the Detroit
     River. Source water from Mount Clemens comes from
     Lake St. Clair. The Lake Huron watershed includes
     numerous short, seasonal streams that drain to Lake
     Huron. Source water from the Detroit River comes from
     Lake St. Clair, Clinton River, Detroit River, Ecorse River, in
     the U.S. and parts of the Thames River, Little River,
     Turkey Creek and Sydenham watershed in Canada.

     Clinton Twp. receives its water supply from

     the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA)
     and the City of Mount Clemens.

                                                               National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit
     The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
                                                               discharge program and has an emergency response
     (MDEQ) in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey,
                                                               management plan.
     the GLWA, and the Michigan Public Health Institute
     performed a source water assessment in 2004 to            Source water intake from Lake Huron has a moderately
     determine the susceptibility of potential contamination.   low susceptibility to potential contaminant sources. The
     The susceptibility rating is on a seven-tiered scale from   Lake Huron water treatment plant has also historically
     very low to very high based primarily on geological       provided satisfactory treatment of this source water to
     sensitivity, water chemistry, and contaminant sources.    meet drinking water standards.
     The susceptibility of our Detroit River source water      Mount Clemens source water is categorized as highly
     intakes was determined to be highly susceptible to
                                                               susceptible to potential contaminants, given land uses
     potential contaminants. However, all four Detroit water
                                                               and potential contaminant sources within the source
     treatment plants that use source water from the Detroit   water area. However, historically, the Mount Clemens
     River have historically provided satisfactory treatment of
                                                               Water Treatment Plant has effectively treated its source
     this source water to meet drinking water standards.       water to meet drinking water standards.

     The GLWA has initiated source-water protection activities   For more information about this report, or to receive a
     that include chemical containment, spill response, and a   copy of this report, contact the Public Services
     mercury reduction program. GLWA participates in a         Department, Water and Sewer Division at 586-286-9300.

     Your drinking water, your health

     Some people are more vulnerable to contaminants in        with concerns should seek advice about drinking water
     drinking water than others. Immuno-compromised            from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on
     cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, people who       appropriate means to reduce the risk of infection by
     have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS  Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are
     or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and       available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-
     infants can be particularly at risk from infections. Those   426-4791.
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