Page 10 - Kent Parks Recreation Guide Fall 2024
P. 10



         Safe At Home Age 8-12
         Come learn how to be responsible and safe in any situation. We will cover
         family communication, first aid, internet, gun, phone, and door safety. Learn
         how to be safe, comfortable, and confident when staying home alone. Please
         bring a water bottle and snack to class.
         Kent Commons | $40 | Instructor: J. Ball
            DAY   SESSIONS  DATES     TIMES         #
            Sat    1 sess.  10/26    2pm-4pm     YO0102 01F

         Super Sitters Age 11-16
         Come for a day of fun while earning your Super Sitters Certificate. This class
         will cover leadership and the business of babysitting, basic care for children,
         understanding children of different age groups, safety, and first aid. Learn the
         skills you need to be a great babysitter. Bring a sack lunch and snack to class.
         Participants are encouraged to register early as this class fills quickly.
         Kent Commons | $85 | Instructor: J. Ball
            DAY   SESSIONS  DATES     TIMES         #
            Sat    1 sess.  10/26    9am-2pm     YO0103 01F
         Personal Safety & Defense Training for Girls Age 12-17
         In this class, your emerging young adult will learn to recognize “red flags” that
         someone may mean harm, plan safe exits from iffy situations, practice physical
         moves (just in case), and learn to find supportive self-care. Your teen will get
         honest, accurate answers in a safe space. In 2.5 hours, they will learn: how to
         protect themselves when dates get scary, red flags that they need to call home
         NOW, surprise moves to get free if grabbed from behind, and how stay safe and
         still have fun at parties, athletic events, and class activities.
         Kent Commons | $99 | Instructor: Instructor: Strategic Living LLC
           DAY   SESSIONS  DATES     TIMES           #
            Sat    1 sess.  11/2   1pm-3:30pm       YO1801 01F

                             OF PARKS &                           NEW!


            Kent Parks programs are vitally important              Water Safety Workshop All Ages
            to establishing and maintaining the quality            This workshop is designed to help you and your family become
                                                                   comfortable using life vests and learn basic water safety. Here
            of life in Kent, ensuring the health of all            in Washington, we are surrounded by water, so it is important
                                                                   to understand how to properly wear a life vest and learn the
            residents, and contributing to the economic            precautions that you can take to help you be as safe as possible
                                                                   when near a body of water. Program is open to all ages. Families
            and environmental well-being of the                    are encouraged to attend together. Must pre-register, limited
                                                                   spots are available! Classes are held at WaterBabies, located at
            community and region.                                  17110 116th Ave SE, Renton.
                                                                   Kent Commons | $12 | Instructor: Ms. Mary
                                                                    DAY   SESSIONS  DATES  TIMES      #
                                                                     Sat   1 sess.  9/14  5pm-6pm  AD1010 01F

          10                                           KENT PARKS IS HIRING! Apply today at
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